Privacy Policy

The privacy policy of SANDRA MOSS, SL (hereinafter, "SANDRA MOSS") is created so that users have the confidence that their information is treated with the strictest confidentiality. This policy can be easily consulted on our website and on the links provided in the different forms enabled (for example, registration form).

SANDRA MOSS exposes in this section the Corporate Privacy and Data Protection Policy, on the personal information that the user can provide when accessing our Online Store. The objective is to protect information on the Internet, in the same way that it is protected in other media.

The SANDRA MOSS Privacy Policy is governed by compliance with current legislation on the protection of personal data: General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) of May 26, 2016, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and by which Directive 95/46 / CE is repealed (General data protection regulation, RGPD). And Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) as long as it does not oppose European regulation.

In this sense, SANDRA MOSS submits to the competence of the State control body (Spanish Agency for Data Protection) in everything related to these mandatory regulations.

use and processing of personal data

The data you provide will be incorporated into a file owned by SANDRA MOSS (legally registered in the General Registry of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection) in order to manage your relationship as a member user, your customer profile and, where appropriate, purchases made in the SANDRA MOSS Online Store, committing to compliance with the obligations derived from the general conditions and this privacy policy.

In addition, in the event of making a purchase in the online store, your strictly necessary data will be transferred to the Public Administrations competent in fiscal and tax matters.

SANDRA MOSS does not sell, rent or disclose the names, addresses, emails or other personal information of our clients to third parties.

Although for the maintenance of the web, management of the database or sending emails, you can contract with third parties, but without giving them authorization to use said data for any other purpose.

What personal data do we need?

When you contact our website and fill in the established form, you give us your personal data. Specifically your name, address, landline and mobile phone, necessary for the correct management of online orders.

The personal data provided must be truthful, complete, accurate and up-to-date, so any changes to them must be communicated to us as soon as possible.


Likewise, if the user has indicated in the registration form, their subscription to the newsletter since their data can be used for advertising and marketing purposes on products and services of the SANDRA MOSS Online Store (by marking "X" in the box enabled for this purpose), your personal data will be processed for the aforementioned purposes (being able to use any means, including your email).

On the contrary, if the user decides not to authorize the processing of their data for advertising and marketing purposes on products and services of the Online Store and third party collaborating companies or partners in matters of export, or does not authorize the sending of the newsletter, no You must check the box enabled for this purpose in the registration form, entering at that time to be part of our internal robinson list, avoiding receiving communications for advertising or marketing purposes and our corporate newsletter.

If you wish to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition recognized in the current legal regulations regarding the protection of personal data, you can do so by sending an e-mail to the following address: with the reference RGPD and proving your identity in both cases.

In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and electronic commerce, SANDRA MOSS undertakes not to send advertising or promotional communications by email or other equivalent electronic means of communication without identifying them as commercial communication and without previously having been requested or authorized by the recipients of the same.

duration of data processing- The data for managing the relationship with the user and billing will be kept for as long as the business relationship is in force. Once said relationship has ended, where appropriate, the data may be kept for the time required by the applicable legislation.- The data for sending commercial communications of our products will be kept indefinitely, until, where appropriate, you express your willingness to delete them.communication of your dataThe data will be communicated to the following entities:- To the financial entities through which the management of collections and payments is articulated.- The competent Public Administrations, in the cases provided for in the Law and for the purposes defined therein.- Computer service providers, including cloud computing services.For sending newslatters or newsletters we may use the Mailchimp tool that belongs to the American company The Rocket Group , LLC. It is not a transfer of data rather, the data will only be used by this platform solely and exclusively to send the newsletters. In addition, this company adheres to the Privacy Shield protocol that allows international data transfers between the EU and the US.Your rightsAnyone who provides us with their data has the following rights:- Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation about whether or not we are treating personal data that concerns them. Interested persons have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.- Under the conditions provided in the General Data Protection Regulation, the interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data or its portability, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.- In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, the interested parties may object to the processing of their data. If you have given consent for any specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw it at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal. In these cases we will stop processing the data or, where appropriate, we will stop doing it for that specific purpose, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.- All the aforementioned rights can be exercised through the means of contact that appear in this Privacy Policy.- Faced with any violation of your rights, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in its exercise, you can file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (contact details accessible at or another competent control authority . You can also obtain more information about your rights by contacting these organizations.In any case, to exercise the aforementioned rights we have enabled the following email address: intellectual propertyAll the contents of the website (including, without limitation, databases, images and photographs, drawings, graphics, text files, documents, computer programs, as well as logos, trademarks, trade names and other signs distinctive) are the property of SANDRA MOSS or content providers, having been, in the latter case, licensed or assigned by them, and are protected by national or international intellectual property regulations. The collection, design, arrangement and assembly of all the content of the website is the exclusive property of SANDRA MOSS and is protected by national and international industrial and intellectual property regulations.The brands, labels, distinctive signs or logos of the website are owned by SANDRA MOSS and are duly registered.The texts, data and graphic drawings are the property of SANDRA MOSS or of the entities that provide information, and cannot be subject to further modification, copying, transformation, alteration, reproduction, adaptation or translation by third parties, without the express authorization of the party. of the owner of said content. The making available of the texts, data and graphic drawings does not imply, in any case, the transfer of their ownership or the granting of a right of exploitation, reproduction, dissemination, transformation, distribution, or transmission in their favor, other than the right of use that involves the legitimate use of http://www.sandra-moss.comThis website and all its contents, including texts, documents, photographs, drawings, graphic representations, databases, programs IT, as well as the logos, trademarks, trade names and other distinctive signs are the property of SANDRA MOSS or third parties who have authorized it for their use.links to other websitesThe portal offers links to other websites of third-party companies or partners that may be of interest to you. Although SANDRA MOSS tries to ensure that third-party websites meet the appropriate security standards, it cannot guarantee compliance with current RGPD and LSSICE regulations in them. We recommend that you review the privacy policy of any company or Institution before submitting your personal information.SANDRA MOSS does not assume any type of responsibility, not even indirectly or subsidiary, for damages of any kind that may arise from access, maintenance, use, quality, legality, reliability and usefulness of the content, information, communications, opinions, statements, products and services existing or offered on websites not managed by SANDRA MOSS and which are accessible through the Portal. However, SANDRA MOSS falls within article 17 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), since with respect to the links provided on the Web, no has effective knowledge that the activity or information to which it refers or recommends is illegal or damages property or rights of a third party liable to compensation.The inclusion of hyperlinks in does not necessarily imply that SANDRA MOSS maintains commercial relations or associative links with the owner of the website where the link is established, and is for informational purposes only, reason For which, SANDRA MOSS is not responsible or gives guarantee of any nature, neither express nor implicit regarding the marketability, suitability, quality, characteristics, origin, commercialization or any other aspect of the information and / or products. SANDRA MOSS is not responsible for the misuse of the contents of its website, being the sole responsibility of the person who accesses or uses them.minorsSANDRA MOSS is aware of the importance of protecting minors on the Internet. This website is not directed at minors. Personal information of minors will not be collected or consciously processed. Parents are encouraged to educate their children on the use of the Internet and the transmission of information to websites. Minors, except for those who have obtained emancipation (art. 314 of the Civil Code), cannot enter into a sales contract on the Internet by themselves, since in the event that it is entered into, it would be void.applicable lawThe parties are subject to applicable Spanish and Community legislation on data protection , electronic commerce and intellectual property and especially the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD). Any litigious issue that may arise from your registration and purchases in the Online Store will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid Capital / of the user's domicile.queries, doubts or commentsSANDRA MOSS undertakes to resolve any type of claim related to its Privacy Policy. For any questions or comments about our data privacy policy, send us a message to modification of the privacy policySANDRA MOSS reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy, according to its own criteria, or motivated by a doctrinal change of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, legislative or jurisprudential. Any modification of the Privacy Policy will be communicated by other means, such as sending corporate emails to user members, a newsletter and the publication of a notice on our home page of the Online Store.This privacy policy has been modified and updated on May 24, 2018 to adapt to the new requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD)